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What is Happiness?

October 1, 2010

My family has always been a huge Honda vehicle fan. For nearly two decades, we’ve found Honda cars and mini-vans to be some of the safest, most reliable automobiles available. We would scrimp and save and sacrifice to purchase a Honda over the other less expensive competitors. Over the years, Hondas have kept us safely on the road. They’ve been with us on countless trips to the grocery store and across the country. If “walls could talk” they would speak of deep discussions, off-key singing, books on CD and even the first trips of our little blessings.

I suppose that it is because of my long-lived patronage that I feel able to also express my recent disappointment.

I receive an ever-so-often newsletter from our local Honda dealership. I usually just scan the e-mail for coupons on service and announcements about possible recalls and then I hit the delete button.  BUT…this article caught my eye.  “Charting a Course for Happiness” was the subtitle.

Really?  In a Honda newsletter?

I almost skipped over it because the dealership will sometimes include announcements for local events and I expected it to be a play on words, but unfortunately, I was wrong.  It was, indeed, a headline for the 2011 Honda Pilot.

Wow.  I am so dismayed.

I wish I could tell Honda (and be confident they would listen), that if this movement toward objective happiness continues, this “soccer mom of four” will surely be considering another make of vehicle the next time she’s in the market .  Happiness is so much more than a Honda Pilot.

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  1. October 21, 2010 2:02 pm

    Oh, wow, not only that headline, but did you catch the closing sentence?
    …despite delivering value as substantial as the shadow its ruggedly hewn good looks throw.
    The value of this vehicle is AS SUBSTANTIAL AS A SHADOW!!! In other words, it looks like a good value, but there’s really nothing there? Wow.

    This may inspire another chapter in my series on consumer culture, Tastes Like Somebody Loves You! Advertising just astounds me with its unsubtle-yet-insidious messages; some weeks I can’t get through the Sunday coupon supplement without dropping my jaw half a dozen times.

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